• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Žlábek Jaroslav

Žlábek Jaroslav | CEO of Toyota Material Handling CZ

Jaroslav Žlábek, CEO of Toyota Material Handling CZ s.r.o. since 2017. Together with other Toyota associates, he strengthens the company's position on the Czech market through the introduction and support of the most modern technologies in the field of automation, energy-efficient drives, connectivity and novelties within conventional model lines. He strives to build the cooperation with clients and partners on the ongoing improvement and progressive streamlining of all processes, but his focus is also in the field of ​​services (maintainance, fleet management, rental). He emphasizes a comprehensive intralogistics solution based on long life, high efficiency and consistent handling reliability.

Reliant s.r.o.

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